Climate and climate change

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Gimnazija Gospic School is situated in Gospic, a small town in the continental part of Croatia, not so far from the Adriatic Sea. The area is called Lika, surrounded by some famous natural Parks, as Plitvice Lakes National Park.
Our school, situated in Kaunas, hosts 434 students and has joined the Elos network. We are convinced of the value of international education, because we believe that the intercultural dialogue in a international learning environment makes the students aware of being European citizens.
Our school, situated in Cracow, provide students with compulsory education between primary education and upper secondary school education. Our stundents take part and are successful in numbers of subject contests and competitions at the regional and national level. The school realizes the extended curriculum in science subjects compared to the national curriculum obligatory in Poland.
IES La Torreta is a secondary school of Elda, Alicante. We provide courses of Compulsory Secondary Education, Bachelor and Vocational Training for three Professional families, such as Electrical, Footwear and Leather and Hairdressing. Four years ago we launched a project of multilingual education, that requires that we teach some subjects, mainly Sciences, in English and Valencian.