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CCC-partnership maintains this website to promote its initiatives to the public. The material on this website is for information only.

Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate.  If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.  However, CCC-partnership accepts no responsibility or liability with regard to the information on this site.

This information is:

  • of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;

  • not necessarily comprehensive, accurate, complete or up to date;

  • sometimes linked to external sites over which CCC-partnership has no control and for which CCC-partnership assumes no responsibility;

  • not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).

CCC-partnership reserves the right, in its discretion, to suspend, change, modify, add or remove portions of the website at any time.

This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability of CCC-partnership in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude its liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.

Copyright Notice
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged, except where otherwise stated.  Where prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction of information, such permission shall cancel the aforementioned general permission and shall clearly indicate any restrictions on use.

 "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

¡Bien! Mensaje recibido

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